830 - 845 - Opening session. Introduction and outline of the special invited lecturer and of the course.
845 - 915 - New aspects in pathology of the breast tumors. - Prof. Dr. Maria Sajin (Bucharest, Romania).
915 - 945 - Breast Ultrasound: Basic physics and instrumentation - Dr. Kazimierz Szopinski (Warszawa, Poland).
945 - 1030 - Breast Ultrasound - the anatomy and technique. Ductal ultrasonography - Dr. Dominique Amy (Aix en Provence, France).
1030 - 1115 - Advantages of Ductal Echography (DE) over conventional breast investigation. The requirement for an anatomically led breast ultrasonography - Dr. Michel Teboul (France).
1115 - 1145 - Coffee break.
1145 - 1215 - Sonographic differential diagnosis of focal lesions of the breast - Dr. Kazimierz Szopinski (Warszawa, Poland).
1215 - 1300 - Doppler breast ultrasound and contrast agents in breast tumor neovascularization. High resolution ultrasound imaging systems. - Prof. Dr. Ivan Drinkoviç (Zagreb, Croatia).
1300 - 1330 - Breast Ultrasound and Mammography comparative criteria and accuracy. - Dr. Edina Morvay Szabo (Oradea, Romania).
1330 - 1500 - Lunch.
1500 - 1530 - Ultrasound in differentiation between benign and malignant solid lesions - Dr. Angelica Chiorean (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
1530 - 1615 - Interventional procedures on breast. - Prof. Dr. Ivan Drinkoviç (Zagreb, Croatia).
1615 - 1645 - Ultrasound and pathology in breast tumors diagnosis. - Dr. Adrian Costache (Bucharest, Romania).
1645 - 1710 - Ultrasound aspects of the painful - breast. - Dr. Aristida Georgescu (Craiova, Romania).
1710 - 1730 - Coffee break.
1730 - 1930 - Workshops - Live demonstrations, parallel sessions "hands-on".
2030 - Course Dinner - University Teaching Staff House.
830 - 900 - Strategies in the imaging diagnosis of breast pathology. - Dr. Mihai Lesaru (Bucharest, Romania).
900 - 930 - Malignant diagnostic criteria. - Prof. Dr. Enzo Durante (Ferrara, Italy).
930 - 1000 - Preoperative local staging of invasive cancer by US. - Prof. Dr. Enzo Durante (Ferrara, Italy).
1000 - 1030 - Ultrasound guided interventional procedures. - Prof. Dr. Enzo Durante (Ferrara, Italy).
1030 - 1100 - Ultrasound - pathologic correlations in breast nodules. - Dr. Mihai Lesaru (Bucharest, Romania).
1100 - 1130 - Coffee break.
1130 - 1200 - Ultrasound breast conservative surgery and Sentinel node technique. - Prof. Dr. Enzo Durante (Ferrara, Italy).
1200 - 1230 - Breast ultrasound in breast cancer follow up. - Dr. Edina Morvay Szabo (Oradea, Romania).
1230 - 1300 - International guidelines in breast ultrasound. - Dr. Kazimierz Szopinski (Warszawa, Poland).
1300 - 1330 - Breast pathology range - clinical aspects and screening methods. - Ass. Prof. Dr. Viorela Enachescu (Craiova, Romania).
1330 - 1500 - Lunch.
1500 - 1700 - Workshops - parallel sessions "hands on".
1700 - 1730 - Coffee break.
1730 - 1830 - Final multiple choice test.
1830 - 1900 - Closing remarks.