The Program & Abstracts volume and the Proceedings volume have been submitted to the Printing House
To the purpose of a high scientific quality, all the papers will be submitted to a scientific peer review. The submitted extended abstracts (2 pages) will be reviewed by an international scientific board.
The acknowledged papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings (ISBN) and in the on-line journal in extenso (4 pages). The full papers will be also reviewed prior to publication.
The registration fees entitle any registered author to two papers published in full length. A maximum of two more additional papers are allowed, for $10/each extra fees necessary for handling and publication.
Only the Registered authors' acknowledged full papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.
Selected papers from the section Measurement in Medicine (after reviewal) will be published also in the on-line journal:
All the communication and manuscript submission process will be electronic. The works will be accepted only in files .doc prepared in Word for Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP. Please use your family name and initials as the name of the file, e.g. ofr John Richard Smith the .doc file containing the abstract will be smithjra.doc - the final 'a' in the file name stands for 'abstract'. The corresponding filename for the final paper will be smithjrp.doc - the final 'p' in the file name stands for 'paper'. If submitting more files, please number them accordingly, e.g. smithjra1.doc, smithjra2.doc, smithjra3.doc.
The files will be sent attached by email ( or in exceptional cases on 1.4 MB diskettes by post at the address:
We are kindly asking you to insert in the abstract and final paper your email address together with the affiliation. This is very useful to anybody for the scientifical dialogue.
As the whole communication and paper handling will be electronic, we are kindly asking you to skip the instructions below refering to printed contributions.
Both the abstract (2 pages) and the final version (4 pages) will respect the following instructions, provided below as a sample paper
(and also illustrated by an EXAMPLE; you may use the format to type in your work)
Abstract. Max 250 words. These instructions are designed for both author and typist and should be read carefully. If they are not adhered to, it could result in delay in publication and/or in sub-optimal reproduction quality.
1. Typing Area
Use paper of A4 size, with the following typing area: length: 25 cm (10”), and width: 16 cm (6” 2/8). The recommend type font is Times. As a second choice, use Garamond. Only for tables and figures (illustrations) may you use Helvetica, Univers or other sans-serif fonts. Use Roman as default type and keep italics and/or bold for special text parts.
Recommended type font sizes:
a. For the title: 24 pts.
b. For the main text (including headings): 12 pts.
c. For abstract, footnotes, references, figures and tables: 10 pts.
Settings for the line spacing are: 12 pts. in cases (b) and (c), 14 pts. in case (a).
2. Typographical Style and Layout
Type the title approx. 2 cm below the first line of the page. Center the title (horizontally) on the page. Leave approx. 1 cm between title and the name and address of yourself (and of your co-authors, if any).
Type name(s) and addresse(s) in 12 pts. and center them (horizontally) on the page. Use for addresses italics.
Type the abstract at a maximum width of 12 cm. Center the abstract (horizontally) on the page. Numbers section and subsection headings consecutively in Arabic numbers and type them in bold, respectively italics. Keep headings and subheadings always flushed left. Do not include references to the literature, illustrations or tables in headings and subheadings. Keep two blank lines above a section heading and one above a subheading. Put one blank line under a heading and a subheading. Only if you want to emphasize specific parts of the main text, use italics. Otherwise, use Roman.
Start a new paragraph by indenting it from the left margin (and not by inserting a blank line), except under a heading and subheading.
All illustrations should be original drawings or photographic prints of originals. Photographs should be glossy print. Photocopies are often not good enough and should be avoided. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively (i.e., not section-wise), using Arabic numbers.
All illustrations should be centered, except for very small figures (no wider than 7 cm), which may be placed side by side. Center figure captions beneath the figure. Position figure at the top or at the bottom of the page. Do not assemble figures at the back of your article, but place them as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text. Please keep in mind the distinction between figures and tables (the latter only contain alpha-numerical characters and no graphical element).
All tables must be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers). Table headings should be placed above the table.
References to the literature should be mentioned in the main text by an Arabic number in square brackets. List these (in numerical order) at the very end of your paper (under the heading ‘References’).
3. ‘Fine Tuning’
- Do not end a page with a heading or sub- heading.
- Do not end a page with one or more blank lines, except to avoid ‘widow’ headings and to end your article.
- Avoid starting a page with an incomplete line.
- Keep changes in fonts and style to minimum so as to avoid a disorderly page layout.
- Do not underline headings, sub- headings, title, figure captions and table headings.
- Make sure that in figures the size of the largest characters and numbers is in proportion to the size of the smallest ones (i.e., alpha-numeric symbols should not be larger than approx. 150% of the smallest ones).
- Keep footnotes to a minimum or else list them in a special section before the References.
[1] N.Nescio. Instructions for the Preparation of a Camera-Ready Manuscript. IOS Press, Amsterdam. 1991
[2] Sir Karl Popper, the Critical Approach Versus the Mystique of Leadership, Human Systems Management 8 (1989) 259-266.
[3] J. Edwards and P. Larson, The Advancement of Transputers and Occam. In: J. Edwards (ed.), Occam and the Transputers – Current Developments, ISBN: 90 5199 063 4. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1991, pp. 1-12.
[4] P.Welch et al., Transputing ’91. ISBN: 90 5199 045 6. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1991.
You may download these instructions as: