Dear Colleagues,
The registration process is over. After the review process, 106 papers were acknowleged for presentation. Participants from 3 continents, 15 countries, will attend.
More Joining participants have also registered; actually they are 26 joining participants. This is a great compliment for the MEDINF'2003 Conference.
We are now refining the details. The Program & Abstracts Volume and the Proceedings Volume are now in print.
The detailed program is posted on the Conference site. We have updated the Conference site in many respects; we shall keep you informed on any progress.
We are looking forward to meeting you soon,
Yours sincerely,
Mihai Tarata
Conference Chairman
To our colleagues whose works have been acknowledged to be presented as oral presentation:
Please prepare your presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 200, XP versions.
To our colleagues whose works have been acknowledged to be presented as posters:
Poster Composition
Poster Mounting and Dismounting
Push pins will be provided at the meeting. No other equipment for mounting will be provided.
PS. See below an example of page composition within the poster.
Dear Colleagues,
The registration process is ongoing. We are thanking all the participants who have already registered and those who are preparing to.
Medinf’2003 grew up into a prestigious International Conference. Many Joining participants have also registered. This is a great compliment to the Conference. We shall share knowledge, friendship, enjoyment and I hope we shall all regret when Medinf’2003 is over.
May we take this opportunity to inform you that in order to offer a better chance to all the participants, we are extending the term to submit the abstract(s) & paper(s) in their final form up to August 15th 2003. This is also the ABSOLUTE deadline. We shall receive NO paper after that date, as the preparation for printing will start then. The latest submission will be considered for publication; to insure the quality of the Proceedings we are kindly asking you to carefully prepare and double check your manuscripts before submitting.
You may also use color figures, as the Proceedings will be printed on CD in electronic form. As we shall also print the Papers in proceedings on paper in black & gray, please make sure the colors you use give an appropriate outcome on paper in black & gray.
We shall keep you informed on all the progress. From time to time we are also kindly asking you to visit the Conference web site
Looking forward to meeting you at Medinf’2003,
Mihai Tarata
Conference Chairman
Dear Colleagues,
The International Review is over. It was hard work. Due to our 21 reviewers’ very generous effort, 127 works were selected for presentation at Medinf’2003 conference. They cover all the topics.
The abstracts were independently reviewed by two reviewers. The sum of points was computed to build up a final mark. A minimum of 50 points out of 100 was selected as a threshold, corresponding to a qualification of: Reasonable.
Review Criteria |
Points |
Relevance (how relevant is this work? 0 -10) |
Originality (how original is the approach? 0 -10) |
Does the paper report personal work? (0-10) |
How clear is the presentation? (0-10) |
Is the literature (References) well addressed? 0 -10 |
Total points |
Excellent Very good Good Reasonable Satisfactory Poor Very poor Nonsense
10 9,8 7,6 5 4 3 2 1,0
We are thanking all the reviewers for their hard work and commitment. I hope all the participants may appreciate this huge effort, and will find very helpful the feedback this review brought to all the authors.
Starting with April 15th 2003 the participants will be personally informed; online invitations will be issued together with other important information.
Thus we shall have successfully met this deadline and may proceed with the next important step: Registration and submission of the full papers.
1. The abstracts will be included in the Medinf’2003 Program Volume. We are kindly asking all the participants to take into consideration all the reviewers comments, to adjust their abstracts accordingly, and to resubmit their abstracts in a final ‘camera ready’ form, also following all the editing instructions from the Conference site.
Only properly prepared abstracts will be printed in the
Medinf’2003 Program Volume.
2. The full length papers (4 pages) will be published in the Medinf’2003 Conference Proceedings (ISSN, CNCSIS acknowledged). Please prepare carefully your papers according to the reviewers comments and to the editing instructions published on the Conference site.
Only properly prepared papers will be printed in the
Medinf’2003 Proceedings Volume.
3. May we take this opportunity to inform you that to the purpose of a proper preparation of the Conference many reservations and preliminary payments are needed to be done in advance.
The papers will be included in the Program only after the reception of the registrations fees, and will be immediately shown on the Medinf’2003 site.
No paper or abstract will be included in the Program and published before the Registration fees were received into the Medinf’2003 account.
4. We are kindly informing you that reduced fees ($100) are accepted only up to June 1st 2003.
Please take advantage of this generous offer. No reduction of any kind is possible after this date.
With our best wishes,
Conference Chairman & Organizing Committee
Dear Colleagues,
We are thanking all who have already sent the extended abstracts of their works to be presented and published at Medinf’2003 International Conference
We have already pre-registered abstracts from many countries on three continents. With each new contribution the quality of Medinf’2003 increases.
As we received many requirements to extend the abstracts submission deadline, we considered an extension.
The absolute deadline for the submission of the extended abstracts will be:
February 28th, 2003.
We are kindly asking you to consider submitting your abstracts as soon as possible. We are kindly asking you to let other professionals in the field know these details, so they can submit in due time.
The Conference site will be updated accordingly as 4th Announcement. We are kindly inviting you to visit the web site
To insure a good quality of the papers and the style, the review involves two steps:
The extended abstracts are in fact short papers (2 pages). They follow the same editing rules as the full papers. The only difference is they are shorter than the full papers (4 pages).
We are kindly asking you to do the effort to carefully prepare your abstracts according to the editing rules …/Publication
Besides increasing the chance that your work is accepted, this will highly help you when editing the final full paper.
The review criteria: relevance, originality, clarity, style, presentation.
Dear Colleagues,
We are thanking you all who accessed the Medinf’2003 Conference site, which met an impressive audience in a very short period!
A short time has been left until January 31th 2003 – the deadline to receive the extended abstracts. We are kindly asking you to consider submitting your abstracts in time.
We are pleased to let you know that the Conference site has been updated as 3d Announcement, and we are kindly inviting you to visit the web site
We are pleased to announce that the Conference morning sessions will host modules of
Master Conferences organized as High Level Short Courses delivered by international
scientific personalities in the field:
1. | Simon Day | Manager, Medicines Control Agency, London, UK | Critical Statistical Issues in Drug Licensing |
2. | Michael Schemper | Department of Medical Computer Science,Section of Clinical Biometrics, Vienna University, Vienna, AUSTRIA |
Some recent developments in survival analysis |
3. | Tiberiu Postelnicu | Romanian Academy, Institute of Mathematical Statistics,Commission of Biometrics, Bucharest, ROMANIA | Case-control studies in clinical biostatistics |
4. | Fortunato Pesarin | Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, ITALY | Multivariate Permutation Tests With Applications in Biostatistics |
1. | Shigemi Mori | Dept. of Biological Control System, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Myodaiji, Okazaki, JAPAN | Higher Nervous Control of Upright Posture and Bipedal Locomotion in Non-Human Primates (Japanese monkey, M. fuscata). |
2. |
James Bloedel,
Mihai Tarata |
Health & Human Performance Dept., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA |
Insight into the Reach & Grasp: a noninvasive approach 1. Theoretical & conceptual background |
3. | Mihai Tarata
James Bloedel, |
Health & Human Performance Dept., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA |
Insight into the Reach & Grasp: a noninvasive approach 2. New Tools. Results. |
4. | George Stelmach | Arizona State University, USA | Spatial Invariance in Grip Control or Motor Coordination Impairments in Parkinson's disease |
5. | Herbert Witte | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Institut für Med. Statistik, Informatik und Dokumentation, Jena, GERMANY | Quantification of phase-synchronization and information transfer between EEG/MEG channels: Models, simulations and analysis strategies. |
6. | Dumitru Andrei Iacobas | Department of Neuroscience, Kennedy Center for Research in Mental Retardation and Human Development, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA | Coordinated Transcriptomics - A New Tool to Identify Functional Pathways in the Cell |
1. | Constandinos Pattichis | Computer Science Dept., University of Nicosia, Nicosia, CYPRUS | Computational Intelligence in Medicine |
2. | Swamy Laxminarayan |
Biomedical Information Engineering Institute of Rural Health, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho, USA |
Information Engineering in Medicine and Healthcare: Hype, Reality and the Future |
3 | Hannu Eskola | Digital Media Institute, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, FINLAND | Information processing from cell to society |
4. | Peter Millard, Sally McClean |
St. George's Hospital Medical School, UK |
Switching paradigms in medical informatics: from the past to the future |
5. | Gheorghe-Ioan Mihalas, Zeno Simon | Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics,UMF Timisoara, ROMANIA | Modeling and Simulation in Molecular Biology |
Attendance diplomas will be awarded to the participants.
With my best wishes,
Looking forward to meeting you in Craiova next year,
Mihai Tarata
Conference Chairman
Dear Colleagues,
We are thanking you all who accessed the Conference site, which met an impressive audience in a very short period!
We are pleased to let you know that scientists from more countries have already registered. Each new submission contributes to raise the Conference scientific standard to the level we are all striving for.
We are pleased to let you know that the Conference site has been updated as 2nd Announcement, and thus we are meeting our second deadline.
The 1st MEDINF International Conference on
Medical Informatics & Engineering
"MEDINF' 2003"
October 9 - 11, 2003
Craiova, Romania
We are again warmly inviting you to pre-register to be sure you are included on the mailing list and to submit your work abstract(s) as soon as possible, to enter the process of scientific review.
We are also kindly asking you to access the Conference site from time to time; it will be continuously updated and thus you will be kept informed on the latest developments.
With circulating the information on the Conference to your related scientific community you will further contribute to the success of the MEDINF2003 Conference in our mutual scientific benefit. We are thanking you very much indeed!
With my best wishes,
Looking forward to meeting you in Craiova next year,
Mihai Tarata
Conference Chairman
Prof. dr. ing. Mihai Tarata
Health & Human Performance Dept. Ph. (1-515)-294-3288,
178S Forker Building Fax. (1-515)-294-8740
Virtual Reality Application
Center Ph.
2274 Howe Hall, 2624B Fax (1-515)-294-5530
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011,U.S.A
Please visit