University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova 
 Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 
 Romanian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 
 Romanian Association for the Study of Liver
 24-27 September 2003

The 9th Romanian Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy
Welcome to Craiova
Congress venue
Scientific Commitee
Local Commitee
Invited Speakers
Travelling to Craiova
Call for Abstracts
Conference fees
Parallel Symposia

Congress Contact
Friday 26 September 2003

0800-0830 State of the art lecture: Irritable bowel syndrome
Chris Mulder, Holland
0830-0945 Round table: Treatment of chronic viral hepatitis
Chairman: Mircea Grigorescu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj

- Chronic viral hepatitis B: Radu Voiosu
- Hepatitis B virus liver cirrhosis: Coman Tanasescu
- Chronic viral hepatitis C: Mircea Grigorescu
- Hepatitis C virus liver cirrhosis: Alexandru Oproiu
- B and C coinfections, and C viral infection in transplanted patients: Ioan Sporea
- Post-tranplant recurrent hepatitis: Liana Gheorghe
- Cost-efficiency of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis: Borz Carolina
0945-1015 "O. Fodor" conference: Endoscopy in Romania - 2003
Oliviu Pascu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj
1015-1030 Coffee break
1030-1200 Round table: Liver cirrhosis (I)
Chairman: Victor Stoica, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucuresti
Co-chairman: Coman Tanasescu, Ioan Sporea, Liana Gheorghe, Ion Rogoveanu

- Etiopathogenesis of liver cirrhosis: Victor Stoica
- Clinical and evolutive aspects dependent of cirrhosis etiology: Ion Rogoveanu
- Primary biliary cirrhosis: Liana Gheorghe
- Hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis: Ioan Sporea
- Etiopathogenesis of portal hypertension of liver cirrhosis: Coman Tanasescu, Danut Isacoff
- Medical treatment of portal hypertension: from blockers to vasodilatators: Constantin Chira
1200-1300 Satellite symposium Roche: New developments in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis
1300-1330 Selected papers and case presentations PO 3.1-3.7
1330-1430 Lunch break
1430-1500 Schering-Plough satellite symposium: Peg-Interferon - Management of neuropsychiatric adverse events of peginterferon therapy
1500-1630 Round table: Liver cirrhosis (II)
Chairman: Tudorel Ciurea, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova
Co-chairman: Florea Voinea, Oliviu Pascu

- Differential diagnosis of ascites in liver cirrhosis: Tudorel Ciurea
- Types of response to medical treatment of ascites in liver cirrhosis: Florea Voinea
- Hepato-renal syndrome in liver cirrhosis: Oliviu Pascu
- Diagnostic assessment of hepatic encephalopathy: Paul Mitrut
- Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy: Florin Petrescu
- Etiopathogenesis of jaundice in liver cirrhosis: Alecse Valerian Ditoiu
1630-1645 Coffee break
1630-1700 Meeting of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
1700-1730 Glaxo satellite symposium: Histological benefit in lamivudine treatment
1730-1800 State of the art lecture: Bacterial infections in cirrhosis
Hendrik Vilstrup, Denmark
1800-1845 Schering-Plough satellite symposium: Immunopathogenesis in Crohn's disease
1845-1930 Selected papers and case presentations PO 4.1-4.6
2000 Cocktail Hoffmann La Roche - "Casa Universitarilor"
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